Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ian Roberts - inspiring passion for nature

Splendid Wrens on Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp megalocarpa

Born and raised on a farm at Blyth in the State of South Australia, Ian is recognized as one of Australia’s premier bird painters. The combination in almost every art work of birds and flowers make his images somewhat unique in the world of bird painting. Ian’s earliest paintings were of the seedlings of Eucalyptus species (Gum trees). From these humble studies Ian has progressed to painting the flowers of eucalypts and other native plant species of Australia and to combining that passion with painting of Australian birds. Ian was introduced to Australian plants (& in particular Eucalypts) by his grandfather at an early age. He was encouraged by him to collect seed & grow these to plant on his Father’s farm. Since 1980 Ian has grown 500 – 4000 plants each year; some 60% are species indigenous to Blyth and district and are used to revegetate roadsides and degraded woodlands. The balance are grown to provide subject matter for the paintings that can be viewed on his site: